Probity is essential for an effective system of governance and socio-economic development. Explain with examples.

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Title: Probity in Governance: An Essential for Socio-Economic Development – A Perspective for UPSC Aspirants

As the future civil servants of India, UPSC aspirants, it’s imperative for you to understand and internalize the concept of probity in governance. It is not merely a cornerstone or characteristic of bureaucracy, but rather, an essential cogwheel driving the whole system of governance and socio-economic development in a country. The Indian context rightly elucidates this necessity, highlighting the utility and urgency of probity in the administrative system.

Probity, by definition, refers to the quality of having strong moral principles, such as honesty and decency. In terms of governance, it encompasses fairness, transparency, accountability, and responsibility in public service. An individual with high probity would resist coercion, bribery, and corruption.

For instance, let us take the example of the Right to Information (RTI) Act of 2005. It served as a significant policy measure to instil probity in governance by promoting transparency, accountability, and keeping a check on governmental authorities’ actions. The act ensures that citizens can scrutinize governmental procedures, thereby reinforcing probity in the functioning of the administrative structure.

Another instance which exemplifies the importance of probity in socio-economic development is the implementation of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA). This programme bolsters rural livelihood security, explicitly though job creation. But, it’s probity in handling the funds, avoiding middlemen-oriented corruption, and ensuring the benefits reach the deserving, that truly enables the programme to achieve its intended socio-economic outcomes.

On the flip side, the impact of the lack of probity can be seen through bitter experiences with corruption and scams like the infamous 2G spectrum scam, the coal scam, and the Commonwealth Games scam. These cases of negligence and corruption not only tarnished the reputation of the country but also highlighted the critical need for probity within our government machinery.

The emphasis on probity also extends to social equity. Policies like the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana, which was launched to ensure access to financial services for the weaker sections and low-income groups, can only reap the desired benefits when implemented with rightfulness and integrity in action.

At this juncture in your UPSC journey, the narrative of ‘Probity in Governance’ must become a core principle shaping your outlook on public service. As future custodians and drivers of positive change, it is pivotal to engrain the principles of probity, ethics and good governance into your approach, using them as guiding lights for every decision you make.

As you prepare for the challenges ahead, remember that probity in governance isn’t a choice, but rather a necessity. It forms the foundation for an efficient, result-oriented, and accountable administration, instrumental in boosting socio-economic development, and crafting a better, more inclusive India. Therefore, strive not only to understand the concept but integrate it into your very ethos and practice it as a future civil servant.

A governance model echoing with probity, honesty, transparency, and accountability caters to the progressive and inclusive development of the nation, ensuring the equitable distribution of resources and benefits. With your careers rooted in this approach, you will truly be able to fulfill the essence of public service – serving the nation and its people.

Prince Luthra (UPSC CSE AIR 577)

Hello Aspirants, I am Prince Luthra (AIR 577) from UPSC 2014 batch. I started the UPSC preparation way back in 2010. I was giving my time, effort, and energy. I was pretty sure to pass the exam in 1st attempt but I could not. After the failure, I asked myself why could not I clear prelims? After a lot of analysis, I figured out that I was reading the books toppers told me to; Nevertheless, in the prelims exam, I was making mistakes in MCQs. I started attempting MCQs for preparation. This strategy worked since when an MCQ is asked then your brain stimulates and starts searching for answers. Our MCQs series capitalize upon this concept and hence we provide you Spectrum MCQ series and Laxmikanth MCQ series so that you score 90-95% in History and Polity MCQs which will take your marks above cut off be it UPSC, PSC, EPFO or any other exam. This strategy helped me clearing Prelims of UPSC and UPPCS, I am certain that it will help you too. All the best! Prince Luthra (AIR 577)

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