Role of NITI Aayog

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🟠 Topic 13: Role of NITI Aayog

📌 Introduction

NITI Aayog (National Institution for Transforming India) was established in January 2015, replacing the Planning Commission. It marked a paradigm shift in India’s approach to economic planning by moving from centralized planning to collaborative, participatory governance.

NITI Aayog serves as a policy think tank, fostering cooperative federalism, enabling states to have a greater say in policy formulation, and promoting evidence-based policy making.

🔹 Why NITI Aayog Replaced Planning Commission

Key Limitations of Planning Commission ⚠️

1️⃣ Centralized Approach – The Planning Commission imposed top-down plans, often ignoring state-specific needs.
2️⃣ License Raj Legacy – Plans emphasized input and output targets, leading to bureaucratic hurdles.
3️⃣ Rigid Planning Framework – Five-Year Plans were inflexible to changing economic dynamics.
4️⃣ Weak Coordination – Lack of effective center-state collaboration, leading to poor plan implementation.

🔹 Structure of NITI Aayog

Body/Position Role
Chairperson Prime Minister of India
Vice Chairperson Appointed by PM (cabinet rank)
CEO Full-time executive (secretary rank)
Governing Council Chief Ministers & LGs
Regional Councils Formed to address specific regional issues
Special Invitees Experts from academia, industry, and other fields

🔹 Objectives of NITI Aayog 🎯

1️⃣ Foster Cooperative Federalism

  • Strengthen center-state cooperation.
  • Enable state-specific policy frameworks.

2️⃣ Policy Think Tank

  • Provide policy inputs for central and state governments.
  • Conduct research, innovation, and analysis.

3️⃣ Promote Sustainable Development

  • Focus on inclusive and sustainable growth aligned with SDGs.

4️⃣ Act as Knowledge Hub

  • Collect and analyze real-time data to improve policy formulation.

5️⃣ Encourage Competitive Federalism

  • Benchmark states on various indicators to promote healthy competition.

🔹 Key Functions of NITI Aayog

Function Description
Policy Formulation Develop long-term policy blueprints.
State Support Provide technical assistance for state policies.
Monitoring & Evaluation Track policy implementation using data analytics.
Resource Allocation Advice Advise on optimal use of central funds.
Innovation & Best Practices Identify global and local innovations for adoption.

🔹 Major Initiatives of NITI Aayog

1️⃣ Aspirational Districts Programme (ADP) 🏞️

  • Identified 112 underdeveloped districts.
  • Focus on health, education, infrastructure, agriculture, and financial inclusion.
  • Promotes real-time data monitoring and competitive ranking of districts.

2️⃣ SDG India Index 🌏

  • Tracks India’s progress on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • Provides state-wise performance rankings to encourage competitive federalism.

3️⃣ Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) 🚀

  • Fosters entrepreneurship and innovation.
  • Established Atal Tinkering Labs (ATL) in schools and Atal Incubation Centres (AIC).

4️⃣ India Knowledge Hub 📊

  • Central repository of best practices and successful initiatives across states and sectors.
  • Facilitates cross-learning among states.

5️⃣ Public Policy Support 📚

  • Develops policy papers on employment, health, education, urbanization, agriculture, etc.
  • Examples include Three-Year Action Agenda (2017-2020) and Strategy for New India @75.

🔹 Cooperative vs Competitive Federalism

Type Description Example
Cooperative Federalism Center & states work together on policy formulation & implementation. GST Council, COVID management strategy
Competitive Federalism States compete to attract investment, improve governance, and achieve development targets. Ease of Doing Business Rankings, Aspirational Districts Programme

🔹 Comparison: Planning Commission vs NITI Aayog

Feature Planning Commission NITI Aayog
Nature Centralized body Policy think tank
Planning Approach Top-down Bottom-up
State Role Limited Stronger role
Flexibility Rigid Flexible
Focus Five-Year Plans Sectoral & state-specific strategies
Monitoring Limited Real-time data & feedback-based

🔹 Criticism of NITI Aayog

1️⃣ Advisory Role Only – Lacks power to allocate funds.
2️⃣ Weak Enforcement Mechanism – Cannot enforce recommendations.
3️⃣ Too Dependent on Center – Seen as a tool of central government rather than an independent institution.
4️⃣ Slow Progress on Competitive Federalism – Some states resist benchmarking exercises.

🔹 Importance in India’s Development Journey

NITI Aayog plays a critical role in:

  • Shaping long-term economic vision.
  • Supporting states with customized policy advice.
  • Tracking India’s progress towards SDGs.
  • Encouraging innovation & startup culture.
  • Ensuring cooperative and competitive federalism.

📊 Case Study – Aspirational Districts Programme (ADP)

  • ADP is often cited as NITI Aayog’s flagship success story.
  • Real-time monitoring, district rankings, and targeted interventions have led to measurable improvements in:
    • Health outcomes.
    • School attendance.
    • Access to financial services.
  • Example: Dahod district in Gujarat improved maternal health services through ADP interventions.

📚 Practice MCQ

1️⃣ Consider the following statements regarding NITI Aayog:

  1. It was established by an Act of Parliament.
  2. It prepares long-term policy frameworks.
  3. It has the power to allocate financial resources to states.
  4. It replaced the Planning Commission in 2015.

Which of the above statements are correct?

(a) 1, 2 and 4 only
(b) 2 and 4 only
(c) 1 and 3 only
(d) 2, 3 and 4 only

Tap here for Answer
Answer: (b) 2 and 4 only
Explanation: NITI Aayog was established via executive resolution, not a law. It doesn’t allocate funds.

2️⃣ Which of the following initiatives is led by NITI Aayog?

(a) Ayushman Bharat
(b) Aspirational Districts Programme
(c) PM Kisan Yojana
(d) Mahatma Gandhi NREGA

Tap here for Answer
Answer: (b) Aspirational Districts Programme
Explanation: ADP is a NITI Aayog-led program focusing on improving governance in backward districts.

3️⃣ Consider the following statements regarding Aspirational Districts Programme (ADP):

  1. It ranks districts on real-time performance.
  2. It focuses on health, education, infrastructure, and financial inclusion.
  3. States play no role in its implementation.
  4. It uses a bottom-up planning approach.

Which of the above statements are correct?

(a) 1, 2 and 4 only
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1, 2 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4

Tap here for Answer
Answer: (a) 1, 2 and 4 only
Explanation: States are key partners in ADP implementation, making statement 3 incorrect.

4️⃣ Which type of federalism does NITI Aayog promote?

(a) Competitive Federalism
(b) Cooperative Federalism
(c) Both
(d) Neither

Tap here for Answer
Answer: (c) Both
Explanation: NITI Aayog promotes both cooperative and competitive federalism.

5️⃣ NITI Aayog’s Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) promotes:

(a) Rural employment
(b) Agricultural mechanization
(c) Innovation and entrepreneurship
(d) Primary education

Tap here for Answer
Answer: (c) Innovation and entrepreneurship
Explanation: AIM fosters innovation via Atal Tinkering Labs & Incubation Centres.

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