What are foundational values for civil services?

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Foundational values for civil services refer to the core principles and beliefs that underpin the behavior, actions, and attitudes of individuals serving in the civil services. These values provide a framework for ethical conduct, professional behavior, and responsible governance. The foundational values for civil services in the context of the UPSC Ethics Syllabus include:

1. **Integrity:** Upholding honesty, truthfulness, and sincerity in all actions and decisions. It involves maintaining consistency between one’s words, actions, and beliefs.

2. **Impartiality:** Treating all individuals fairly and without bias, regardless of their background, status, or affiliations. This value emphasizes making objective decisions and avoiding favoritism.

3. **Non-partisanship:** Remaining neutral and apolitical in the execution of duties. Civil servants should not engage in political activities that could compromise their ability to serve the public impartially.

4. **Objectivity:** Making decisions based on factual information, analysis, and rational judgment rather than personal biases or emotions.

5. **Dedication to Public Service:** Demonstrating a strong commitment to serving the public interest and welfare. This involves putting the needs of the public above personal gain or interests.

6. **Empathy:** Understanding and showing compassion towards the concerns, needs, and perspectives of individuals and communities, especially vulnerable or marginalized groups.

7. **Tolerance:** Respecting diversity and differing viewpoints while maintaining a constructive and open-minded attitude. It involves fostering an inclusive environment.

8. **Compassion towards Weaker Sections:** Prioritizing the welfare and protection of marginalized, disadvantaged, or vulnerable sections of society.

These foundational values are essential for civil servants to effectively carry out their responsibilities, maintain public trust, and contribute positively to the development and governance of the country. It’s important to note that these values may vary in emphasis and interpretation based on cultural and regional contexts.

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