Labour Reforms & Codes

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🟠 Topic 75: Labour Reforms & Codes

📌 Introduction

Labour laws in India historically evolved to protect workers’ rights, ensure fair wages, and promote industrial harmony. However, the existing framework became complex, fragmented, and compliance-heavy, posing challenges for both employers and employees. To simplify, modernise, and enhance ease of doing business, the government consolidated 29 central labour laws into 4 Labour Codes. These reforms aim to balance labour welfare with economic growth, attract investment, and boost employment generation.

🔹 Evolution of Labour Laws in India

Period Key Features
Pre-Independence Focus on worker protection in industries (Factories Act 1881)
Post-Independence Emphasis on social security, fair wages, industrial relations
Post-1991 Reforms Flexibility in labour laws demanded for global competitiveness
2020 Labour Codes Comprehensive codification & simplification

🔹 Need for Labour Reforms

1️⃣ Complexity & Fragmentation

  • 29 central laws and over 100 state laws created confusion.
  • Multiple definitions of wages, workers, and establishments.

2️⃣ High Compliance Burden

  • Multiple registers, returns, and inspections discouraged entrepreneurship.
  • Especially problematic for MSMEs.

3️⃣ Informal Sector Exclusion

  • Most laws applied only to formal workforce, leaving over 90% informal workers unprotected.

4️⃣ Investment & Job Creation Hurdles

  • Rigid labour laws discouraged large-scale investment, especially in labour-intensive sectors like textiles and manufacturing.

🔹 The Four Labour Codes

Labour Code Key Focus Laws Subsumed
Code on Wages, 2019 Wages, minimum wages, payment of wages 4 laws (Minimum Wages Act, Payment of Wages Act, etc.)
Industrial Relations Code, 2020 Trade unions, strikes, dispute resolution 3 laws (Trade Unions Act, Industrial Disputes Act, etc.)
Code on Social Security, 2020 Provident fund, gratuity, insurance, maternity benefits 9 laws (EPF Act, ESI Act, etc.)
Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code, 2020 Working conditions, safety, health 13 laws (Factories Act, Mines Act, etc.)

🔹 1️⃣ Code on Wages, 2019

Key Provisions

✔️ Universal Minimum Wage – Covers all sectors, both organised & unorganised.
✔️ Uniform Definition of Wages – Simplifies calculation for EPF, ESI, bonuses.
✔️ Timely payment of wages – Monthly, fortnightly, or daily.
✔️ Floor wage to be fixed by central government, minimum wages set by states.


✅ Ensures better wage protection for all workers, including gig workers.
✅ Reduces litigation over wage definitions.

🔹 2️⃣ Industrial Relations Code, 2020

Key Provisions

✔️ Easier Hiring & Firing – Industrial units with up to 300 workers can lay off workers without prior government approval (earlier limit: 100 workers).
✔️ Fixed-Term Employment – Legalises fixed-term contracts with same benefits as permanent workers.
✔️ Strikes Notice Requirement – 60-day prior notice mandatory before strikes.
✔️ Simplified Trade Union Recognition – Single negotiating union in large establishments.


✅ Provides flexibility to employers.
✅ Strengthens dispute resolution mechanisms.
✅ Balances labour rights with industrial growth.

🔹 3️⃣ Code on Social Security, 2020

Key Provisions

✔️ Universal Social Security – Extends benefits to gig workers, platform workers, and unorganised workers.
✔️ National Social Security Board to recommend welfare schemes for gig workers.
✔️ Common registration and compliance platform for all employers.
✔️ Simplified gratuity eligibility – Available for fixed-term workers too.


✅ Expands social security to 90% of informal workforce.
✅ Encourages formalisation of workforce.
✅ Ensures portability of benefits.

🔹 4️⃣ Occupational Safety, Health & Working Conditions Code, 2020

Key Provisions

✔️ Common Working Conditions Framework for factories, mines, plantations, etc.
✔️ Mandatory free health check-ups for workers above 45 years.
✔️ Welfare provisions for migrant workers, including travel allowances.
✔️ Single Licence for Contractors for multiple states.


✅ Ensures safe, healthy workplaces.
✅ Reduces bureaucratic approvals.
✅ Provides dignity & welfare for inter-state migrant workers.

🔹 Benefits of Labour Reforms

Benefit Explanation
Simplification 29 laws consolidated into 4 codes
Flexibility for Employers Easier hiring, fixed-term contracts
Social Security Expansion Covers gig, platform, and unorganised workers
Formalisation Push Incentivises shift to formal sector
Enhanced Worker Protection Improved safety, timely wages, social security

Case Study – Fixed-Term Employment in Apparel Sector

  • Post 2020 reforms, apparel exporters hired workers for seasonal orders on fixed-term contracts.
  • Provided social security benefits to these workers.
  • Balanced seasonal labour needs with worker rights.

🔹 Concerns and Criticisms

1️⃣ Dilution of Labour Rights

  • Labour unions argue that hire & fire provisions weaken job security.
  • Stricter conditions for strikes curtail workers’ right to protest.

2️⃣ Implementation Gaps

  • Many states yet to frame rules under new codes, delaying enforcement.
  • Capacity constraints in labour departments for monitoring compliance.

3️⃣ Exclusion of Key Sectors

  • Agricultural labour and domestic workers largely excluded from formal benefits.
  • Gig worker benefits depend heavily on future scheme design.

4️⃣ Wage Floor Concerns

  • Floor wage may not reflect living wages in all states.
  • States may undercut wages to attract investment.

Case Study – Labour Reforms and FDI in Manufacturing

  • Global firms like Apple and Samsung cited labour flexibility as a key factor for expanding operations in India.
  • Labour codes improved India’s competitiveness compared to peers like Vietnam and Bangladesh.

🔹 Way Forward

✔️ Ensure effective implementation at state level.
✔️ Expand coverage to domestic workers, agricultural labourers.
✔️ Monitor impact on wages, employment, and working conditions.
✔️ Balance labour rights with ease of doing business.

📚 Practice MCQ

1️⃣ Which of the following laws were subsumed under the Code on Social Security, 2020?

  1. Employees’ Provident Fund Act
  2. Employees’ State Insurance Act
  3. Payment of Bonus Act

(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1, 2, and 3
(d) 1 and 3 only

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Answer: (a) 1 and 2 only
Explanation: Payment of Bonus Act is covered under Code on Wages, not Social Security.

2️⃣ What is the minimum number of employees for prior government approval for layoffs under the Industrial Relations Code, 2020?

(a) 100
(b) 300
(c) 500
(d) No limit

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Answer: (b) 300
Explanation: Establishments with fewer than 300 employees can lay off workers without government approval.

3️⃣ Which labour code provides for universal minimum wages?

(a) Industrial Relations Code
(b) Code on Wages
(c) Code on Social Security
(d) Occupational Safety Code

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Answer: (b) Code on Wages
Explanation: Code on Wages ensures minimum wages for all workers.

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